Dagmamma i Sarpsborg, Esteban (48)

Profil ID: 1520

Alder: (48)

Fylke: Østfold

Sted: Sarpsborg

Registrert på Dagmamma.no: 7 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hi! I am Esteban from Mexico! I am married and have 2 children. I have been working for over 20 years in restaurants, but since last year I have been working (internship) at Språkstien åpenbarnehage in Landås (gode referanser!). I live in the country side, next to a farm, so I go and pick up milk every day. I like to go to visit the animals, walk to the forest, pick berries, have pic nicks and so with my kids. I also enjoy going to the åpen barnehage. Painting, dancing, baking, lego, reading...all the stuff we do here. I speak perfect english, spanish and some norwegian. I can work as dagpappa, kveldspappa or as barnevakt.
Dagmamma.no 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos