Barnevakt i Moss, Ieva

Profil ID: 5810


Fylke: Østfold

Sted: Moss

Registrert på 5 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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I am 23 years old Lithuanian student of musicology with additional music education studies. For 10 years I was studying classical singing at music school and conservatory of music. In addition, I had piano and guitar classes and currently playing ukulele. Right now I am writing final research papers for my degree and preparing for entering examination to "Musikk og helse" programme in Norwegian Academy of Music. In addition to that I am actively learning Norwegian language and already have B1 level, which gives me the ability to communicate practically but, unfortunately, I am still lacking good writing skills. For these reasons I would like to share my spare time with children not only taking care of their daily needs but enriching it with musical activities too. In the end of December 2018 I have completed pedagogy practice at Den Litauiske skolen i Moss, where I organized and implemented Lithuanian language classes for children from 1,5 to 6 years old and musical classes for children aged between 1,5 and 13 years old. During this practice I also attended continuous contemporary parenting courses, organized by organization "Voksne for Barn". From 2015 to 2017 I have completed practice at music school where I led ear training and music history subjects for children from 7 to 17 years old. During my studies in conservatory, I had choir conducting classes where I prepared many concerts with a choir of youngsters. All this experience increased my nurturing nature and inspired me to connect my professional skills with a beautiful goal - to enrich children's learning journey through one of the finest arts - music. The implementation of this goal requires continuous practice and for this reason I sincerely hope that there are children who would like to go to this journey together. I have a calm personality, people describe me as a very patient and cheerful person. From 18 years old I was working as a cashier in bakery and clothing stores, and later worked as a soloist coordinator in the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. These jobs taught me responsibility and discipline. Also, I started to live alone at the age of 15 (because of the location of the conservatory) and this experience gave me all the practical living skills starting from cooking and cleaning and finishing with easy renovation and related works. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos