Au pair i Oslo

Dagmamma Oslo Barnevakt Oslo Au pair Oslo Foreldre Oslo

Dith (25) Au pair i Sagene

Hello! My name is Vernadith, 24years old. Single and no children. Currently living in Norway. A graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management. It is a wonderful experience to join with…

Nicaila (23) Au pair i Nordre Aker

Hei future family, I’m Nicaila, 22 years old, from the Philippines. I’m currently an au pair living in Kristiansand, Norway and I’m looking for a new host family since I’m gonna…

Alixon (23)   Au pair i Frogner

Heyy!✨ I am Alixon, I am Ecuadorian and I currently live in Norway/Oslo. I am 23years old and I have a degree in international relations and diplomacy (I recently graduated). I speak…

Renz (29)   Au pair i Frogner

Jeg har jobbet som au pair i Oslo i 9 måneder hos en familie med en alenemor og 2 gutter som er 3 og 11 år gammel. Jeg er en snill, tålmodig og selvstendig person. Jag tar vare på at…

Meca (27) Au pair i Ullern

I'm Meca , from the Philippines. I'm kind, patient and responsible in my action. I'm happy to be with . I want to find a new host Family . -I have been in Hong Kong for almost a…

Danja Vanessa (21) Au pair i Frogner

Hi My name is Danja I am 21 years old and am looking for an au-pair/nanny job in norway. I have several years of expierence in child care and am an open, creative and reliable person.

Aive (28) Au pair i Nordstrand

Aspiring Au Pair from the Philippines. Dear My Future Host Family, I am Aive and I am 27 years of age, currently residing in the Philippines. I am a graduate of Bachelor…

Maiya (39) Au pair i St. Hanshaugen

hello, my name is Maiya! i'm a happy mom of 3 boys and functional medicine nutritionist. i'll be happy to take care of your family health, cooking healthy and tasty food for you and…

Vivian (25) Au pair i Gamle Oslo

I’m a very determined person in life and I’m glad this determination is geared towards making people’s lives easier, I’m also a very positive person, I’m caring , I’m very patient…

Imelda (30)   Au pair i Vestre Aker

Hi wonderful host families, my name Imelda I am 30 years old From Kenya. I am currently in Oslo as an au pair and i am looking for a host family, I have been an aupair before in Netherlands… 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos