Barnevakt i Ringerike, Jonnalyn joy (32)

Profil ID: 11430

Alder: (32)

Fylke: Buskerud

Sted: Ringerike

Registrert på 4 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hi! My name is Jonnalyn, 28 y. Old, from Philippines. I'am looking for a family that i can taking care of their child.i've been working as Aunpair for 2 years in Oslo and i also been working as Aubpair in Denmark. I'am now currentyly staying in Hønefoss together with my Fiance, and i'am now looking for a job that i can work while i can't go to a norskkurs. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos