Dagmamma i Asker, Juliana (32)

Profil ID: 14607

Alder: (32)

Fylke: Akershus

Sted: Asker

Registrert på Dagmamma.no: 3 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hello, my name is Juliana. I'm a teacher. I'm from Venezuela. I have been living in Norway for the last year and a half. I have around 2 years of experience taking care of children. I started as a babysitter in Venezuela with an 18-month-old baby. Here in Norway, I have taken care of 2 children: a 2-year-old, 3 days a week in the mornings, and I finished in July with another baby. She is 1 year old. I was working with this family until July because the baby will start kindergarten after summer and I will be available to work now. My mother language is Spanish. I can speak English. It's not perfect, but I can understand and communicate well, in the Norwegian Language I can understand some things and create some phrases. The children should be respected and loved at all times, it is something I believe in and it is in my family values. People close to me describe me as a kind and patient person. I have letter recommendations from families. If my profile is interesting for you, contact me. Thanks!
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