Barnevakt i Hobøl, Laura (32)

Profil ID: 4706

Alder: (32)

Fylke: Østfold

Sted: Hobøl

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Registrert på 5 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hei! I have a big experience with children - I was an au pair for over two years, in London (three children, 3, 5 and 7 y.o), in Norway (6 and 13 y.o.; 2,5 and 4 y.o.) and in Spain (8 and 13 y.o.) and also I babysitted 1 y.o. boy. I have a big heart for little ones and they really like or even love me in return, which is really so rewarding and sweet for me. I had many lectures at the university about child’s development and 150 hours practice at school’s library and I gave lessons in different types of schools as well–so I had contact with children in different age. I am sensitive, tolerant, flexible person. I don't like to argue because I think that quiet–but assertive–conversation can solve the problem. I am responsible, reliable and helpful. Don't worry if I don't live in your closest neighborhood - I have a good railway connection and probably it shouldn't be a problem. Jeg snakker litt norsk, men jeg er bedre på engelsk, så jeg skriver på engelsk. Snakkes! 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos