Barnevakt i Gamle Oslo, Sheila (30)

Profil ID: 13355

Alder: (30)

Fylke: Oslo

Sted: Gamle Oslo

Profilen er verifisert med

Registrert på 3 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hi, My name is Sheila, 26 years old, a registered midwife from the Philippines. I've been living in Norway for almost 3 years. I came here as an Au pair and finished my contract with my host family. I am currently an student in Oslo. I would describe myself as a reliable, caring and hardworking person, who tries to make best out of every situation. Since the pandemic a lot of people lost their job and I am one of them. It has been difficult to find job these days, but im hoping to find any available work here like babysitting or aupair, etc. So if your looking for someone who can help out with your family, just feel free to contact me so we can have a proper talk and interview. Looking forward to hear from you! Best Regards, sheila 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos