Au pair i Gamle Oslo, Rigoberto (28)

Profil ID: 11623

Alder: (28)

Fylke: Oslo

Sted: Gamle Oslo

Registrert på 4 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hei! Jeg heter Rigo, jeg bor i Honduras og jeg er 24 år gammel. I am Honduran and would love to be an au pair to have a cultural exchange, grow as a person and have amazing experiences with new people and visit Norway, and since i'm learning norwegian what better place to learn it than in Norway itself. Would love to share the happiness of seeing the snow for the first time and to be part of your family. I've taken care of my little brother when he was 2 - 4 years old while my mother was working at school, also helped my aunt with her son when he was 7 years old as well and lately I've been taking care of my little sister who is 4 years old, I also help my sensei with the little kids -ages from 3 to 6 years old- at my taekwondo academy, I like dealing with children as they always teach me something new. Spanish is my mother tongue and I can speak English fluently; been speaking it for 6 years now. I'm currently learning Norwegian, i'm making use of any source i can (youtube, blogs, language learning apps, social media), and actually i put myself the task of learning 50 words per day so that I can have a proper conversation. 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos