Dagmamma i St. Hanshaugen, Anna (26)

Profil ID: 18957

Alder: (26)

Fylke: Oslo

Sted: St. Hanshaugen

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Registrert på Dagmamma.no: 2 år siden

Sist pålogget: 2 dager siden

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Hi! I'm 24 y.o. babysitter from Ukraine. I have medical education and a great love for working with kids. I worked as a nurse in Neonatal intensive care and as a doctor in ENT unit. Also I worked as babysitter for more then 30 kids (mostly 0-2 y.o). I'm active, young and responsible nanny with 5 years of caregiving experience.I can take care of your baby both at your and at my place. Also I have references from norwegian families. We don’t sit at home even with the smallest babies. We visit åpen barnehage, deichman library, museums or any other activities every day. I can say with confidence that your child will be happy to have a friend like me:)
Dagmamma.no 2025 | Dagmamma AS Kripos