Dagmamma i Bjerke, Sima (25)

Profil ID: 17946

Alder: (25)

Fylke: Oslo

Sted: Bjerke

Registrert på Dagmamma.no: 2 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hi, dear parents! I know you are also a bit nervous, cause you are looking for a person who will take care of your loved kids. My name is Sima, and I used to take care about children and I’ve been working in families who became my friends after. My principles are based on my life experience - be the same to others like you want others towards you. And it works! I have ukrainian driver’s license (which I’m going to change for norwegian ones asap). Also, in 2018 I’ve passed first aid course. It helps me to manage my fear in stressful situations, but mostly I’d like to prevent. The main task for me is to show and teach how things work and how to deal with them. I have different hobbies, such as coffee brewing (yes, I know a lot about coffee), learning languages, drawing and I can share all my knowledge with your kids (depending on their age) and they also can try themselves in teaching me real Norwegian (in our norskkurs we are studying more formal language). I know, together we could find the way to communicate. All the best, Sima
Dagmamma.no 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos