Barnevakt i Stavanger, Tanit (25)

Profil ID: 14636

Alder: (25)

Fylke: Rogaland

Sted: Stavanger

Registrert på 3 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hey! My name is Tanit, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Barcelona. I'm currently on my fourth and last year of university and I'm studying Primary Education. I will be specialising in English language teaching. I'm doing an Erasmus in Stavanger from August until December and I would love to find a job as a babysitter while I'm there. I am fluent in Catalan, Spanish and English. I love animals and spending time with children and being outdoors. On my spare time I like to go on walks and do anything creative, I love arts and crafts, drawing and painting. From 2017 to 2018 I worked as an Au Pair in Scotland, where I took care of a 9 year old boy and a teenager. On the other hand, I have worked as a summer camp counsellor since 2015 and I have worked with children from 3 to 12 years old. In one of the summer camps I worked, for 2 years I was also a caretaker for a girl with epilepsy. What's more, I have worked as a teacher of extracurricular activities, where we did science experiments, robotics and maths. Following the same line, I also have experience giving private classes, I have given private Catalan classes to my Indonesian cousin and reading and language classes to my other cousin. Finally, I have experience working as a waitress and a bartender, I have worked in a restaurant and a bar. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos