Au pair i Frogner, Inger Alexandra (24)

Profil ID: 5049

Alder: (24)

Fylke: Oslo

Sted: Frogner

Registrert på 5 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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My name is Inger Alexandra but everyone calls me Zazy. I'm 19 years old and have finished the IB Diploma. I am however planning to retake some exams in May 2019. I wish to study veterinary medicine in UK and will hopefully go to university in September 2019. I love horses and I play polocrosse; I'm actually in the World Cup Polocrosse Squad for Zambia. I adore all animals and love being outdoors in nature. I've always been very creative when it comes to art and writing; I like to sketch and write fictional stories, as well as read. I tend to be very tidy and am always eager to help. I'm sporty, I love the outdoors, I'm patient, I'm caring, I love animals, and I'm innovative. I am happy to help out in any way possible and am always smiling. I like to cook and enjoy preparing healthy meals as well as the occasional Sunday morning pancakes! My Mother is Norwegian and my Father is British / South African. I have lived most of my life in Zambia along with my 2 younger brothers, aged 14 and 16, and my parents. My Mother is a lawyer working part time and my Father, who has an MBA, owns a building company. We have 4 dogs and 7 horses, and we always do family activities on the weekend. I was the leader of a volunteer group for an animal shelter and when visiting the shelter it was my responsibility to take care of all the younger children and ensure their safety; hence, I am used to looking after young children. I regularly visited my family in the Netherlands who have 2 young children, now aged 6 and 8, and I've just been 2 weeks to Austria staying with a family with 3 boys aged 4, 6 and 9. I wish to form new connections and meet new people, as well as learn Norwegian which should be my mother tongue! I really like being with children because they're so much fun and they're very active which gives me the opportunity to be playful and creative. I believe I have a good connection with children and I would love to get back to my Norwegian roots. 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos