Forelder i Asker, Vedrana (38)

Profil ID: 17598

Alder: (38)

Fylke: Akershus

Sted: Asker

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Sist pålogget: 2 uker siden

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Hello! We are a happy international family, and our lovely munchkin of a daughter Zoe was born last February. Since Zoe can only go to nursery in August 2023, we are looking for a wonderful and experienced barnevakt to hang out with our little lady from 4pm to 7.30 3 days a week, so we can juggle our work schedules. We are moving into our new home (exciting!) in Asker (between Høn and Vakås station, so you have a bit of an idea where we’ll be). Zoe is objectively a super happy and chilled baby. Smiles and giggles lots, eats well and sleeps like a champion. We’re raising her multilingually, so if you speak either English, Norwegian, Dutch or Bosnian, I’m sure you’ll love her chats. ❤️ Looking forward to your message! Much love, Vedrana, Steven and Zoe 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos