Au pair i Vestnes, Rhealyn (26)

Profil ID: 20518

Alder: (26)

Fylke: MĂžre og Romsdal

Sted: Vestnes

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Good day, my name is Rhealyn. 26 years old. Born and raised in the Philippines, looking for my first host💖 Aspiring Au pair. If I can fit your qualifications I can be your au pair. I am jolly, honest, responsible, trustworthy and kind. I am very willing and would love to learn different cultures. I'm very excited to share and introduce myself to my future families. Looking forward to hear from you soon! Thank you and stay safe! Kindly, reach out to me Best Regards, Rhea ❀ 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos