Dagmamma i Bergen, Maja (31)

Profil ID: 13437

Alder: (31)

Fylke: Hordaland

Sted: Bergen

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Registrert på Dagmamma.no: 3 år siden

Sist pålogget: over 1 måned siden

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Hello, My name is Maja and I'm a Polish girl living in Norway (and travelling wherever she can when it's possible). When I was 19 I went to Spain to work as an au pair and I spent 4 beautiful months there minding 3 little boys. After that I started to Study math and pedagogics at the University of Szczecin, and during these 3 years I worked as a nanny of 3 Italian children and I was giving math classes to young Adults and kids. When I was 22 I moved to Norway and worked as a waitress and bartender. Because of covid I can't work in hospitality, but I'm happy because now I have the time to be a nanny again. I'm a very active, creative but responsible and gentle person. I love being around children, playing with them and coming up with new ideas to do everything that is not booooring. I can promise I will do my best to create a safe and happy environment for you children. 
Dagmamma.no 2024 | Dagmamma AS Kripos