Forelder i Bærum, Andleeb (39)

Profil ID: 3839

Alder: (39)

Fylke: Akershus

Sted: Bærum

Registrert på 6 år siden

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Hi, I’m living alone with my 33 months old son in Oslo. I’m working and my son will start Barnehage in October. However I need someone who can drop (helps me ready him too) and pick my son to the Barnehage everyday. Also stay with him for 2 hours after the Barnehage each day. Once in a month I will have to travel for one to max two (two nights are very rear) nights and that’s when I need the dagmma to be with him specially. 2023 | Dagmamma AS - Foretaksregisteret: 919 058 404 Kripos